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Speeding Ticket Lawyer – Barrie, ON

Speeding tickets are a common yet serious issue that many drivers in Barrie, Ontario, encounter. Understanding the legal implications and knowing how to respond appropriately can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. OTD Legal Services specializes in traffic ticket defense, offering expert legal assistance to individuals facing speeding charges. Our team comprises highly experienced paralegals and lawyers dedicated to protecting your driving record and minimizing the consequences of a speeding ticket.

Why Professional Legal Help is Essential

When you receive a speeding ticket, it might seem like a minor inconvenience. However, the ramifications can be far-reaching, affecting your driving record, insurance premiums, and even your ability to drive. Professional legal help is crucial because it provides you with the expertise needed to navigate the complexities of traffic laws and the court system. By enlisting the help of OTD Legal Services, you can ensure that your case is handled with the utmost care, maximizing your chances of a favorable outcome.

Understanding Speeding Tickets in Barrie

What Constitutes a Speeding Ticket in Ontario?

In Ontario, speeding is defined under the Highway Traffic Act (HTA). According to section 128 of the HTA:

“No person shall drive a motor vehicle at a rate of speed greater than the maximum rate of speed posted on a highway or portion of a highway pursuant to section 128.0.1.”

This means that any speed above the posted limit is considered speeding, and drivers can be ticketed accordingly. The severity of the ticket depends on how much over the speed limit the driver was traveling.

Legal Implications of Receiving a Speeding Ticket

Receiving a speeding ticket is more than just paying a fine; it carries several legal implications. Depending on the speed over the limit, you may face fines, demerit points, license suspensions, and even imprisonment in extreme cases. These penalties can have long-term effects on your driving record and insurance rates. Moreover, paying the ticket is considered an admission of guilt, which can limit your options for fighting the ticket later.

Common Misconceptions About Speeding Tickets

Many drivers believe that minor errors on a ticket or the fact that they were not shown the radar gun can invalidate the ticket. However, under the Provincial Offences Act, courts have broad powers to amend tickets, and such minor mistakes are unlikely to result in the ticket being voided. Another common misconception is that paying the ticket quickly will minimize consequences, but this is not true as it constitutes a guilty plea.

Types of Speeding Tickets in Barrie

Speeding 1-19 km/h Over

Tickets for speeding between 1-19 km/h over the limit are considered minor but still carry penalties. Fines for this range typically start at $2.50 per km/h over the limit, but these fines can double in community safety or construction zones.

Speeding 20-29 km/h Over

For speeding between 20-29 km/h over the limit, the fines increase to $3.75 per km/h. In addition, this level of speeding results in three demerit points on your driving record.

Speeding 30-49 km/h Over

This range is considered more severe, with fines starting at $6.00 per km/h over the limit. Additionally, drivers receive four demerit points, and in some cases, this may result in a license suspension, especially for novice drivers.

Speeding Over 50 km/h

Speeding over 50 km/h above the limit is classified as a major offense. The penalties are severe, including fines with no out-of-court settlement options, six demerit points, and the possibility of license suspension. This level of speeding is often associated with charges of stunt driving under section 172 of the HTA, which can lead to imprisonment.

Consequences of Speeding Tickets in Barrie

Fines and Demerit Points

The fines associated with speeding tickets vary based on how far over the limit you were driving. For instance, fines can range from $2.50 to $9.75 per km/h over the limit, with additional court costs and victim fine surcharges. Alongside these fines, demerit points are added to your driving record, which can lead to license suspensions if too many points accumulate.

License Suspensions and Possible Imprisonment

License suspensions are a serious consequence of excessive speeding. For example, speeding over 50 km/h above the limit can result in a suspension of up to 30 days for a first offense, with longer suspensions for repeat offenses. In extreme cases, such as those involving stunt driving, imprisonment for up to six months is a possible penalty.

Impact on Insurance Rates and Driving Records

One of the most significant impacts of a speeding ticket is on your insurance rates. Insurance companies view speeding offenses as a sign of high-risk behavior, which can lead to increased premiums. In some cases, repeated offenses may render you uninsurable under standard policies, forcing you to seek high-risk insurance, which is significantly more expensive.

Barrie Traffic Court Location and Details

If you receive a speeding ticket in Barrie, your case will be handled at the Barrie Provincial Offences Courthouse, located at:

45 Cedar Pointe Dr, Barrie, ON L4N 5R7

This courthouse handles all traffic-related offenses in the region. When you arrive, you should expect to go through several steps, including filing your ticket, attending an early resolution meeting, and possibly a trial. It’s important to be well-prepared and understand the procedures to increase your chances of a favorable outcome.

Specific Court Procedures

At the Barrie courthouse, the process typically begins with an early resolution meeting where you can discuss your case with a prosecutor. If a resolution isn’t reached, your case will proceed to trial. During the trial, evidence such as the officer’s notes and any radar or laser readings will be reviewed. Having a legal representative who is familiar with these procedures can greatly enhance your defense.

How to Fight a Speeding Ticket in Barrie

Hiring a Paralegal

Paralegals offer a cost-effective option for handling traffic offenses. They are well-versed in the nuances of traffic law and can represent you in court. Paralegals understand the legal defenses available and can often negotiate a reduced charge or even a dismissal without the need for you to appear in court.

Hiring a Lawyer

For more complex cases, hiring a lawyer might be the best option. Lawyers provide a broader range of legal services and can handle cases that involve more severe penalties or complicated legal issues. They can offer comprehensive representation, especially if your case escalates to a higher court.


While self-representation is an option, it requires a thorough understanding of traffic laws and court procedures. Without proper preparation, self-represented individuals may struggle to achieve favorable outcomes. It’s time-consuming and can lead to less desirable results, particularly if you are unfamiliar with the legal system.

Step-by-Step Guide on the Legal Process

  1. Filing the Ticket: The first step is to file your ticket with the court to receive a court date.
  2. Early Resolution Meeting: Attend this meeting to discuss potential plea deals or reductions with the prosecutor.
  3. Preparing for Trial: If no resolution is reached, prepare for trial by gathering evidence, reviewing the officer’s notes, and possibly subpoenaing witnesses.
  4. Trial: Present your case in court, where the prosecutor will present evidence, and you will have the opportunity to cross-examine witnesses and present your defense.
  5. Outcome: After the trial, the judge will deliver a verdict. If found guilty, you may face fines, demerit points, or other penalties.

Early Resolution Meetings and Potential Trial Outcomes

During the early resolution meeting, you can negotiate with the prosecutor to reduce the charge or avoid trial altogether. If your case goes to trial, the outcome will depend on the evidence presented and the legal arguments made. A favorable outcome could include a dismissal or reduction of charges, while an unfavorable one might result in the full penalties being applied.

Why Choose OTD Legal Services for Your Speeding Ticket Defense in Barrie

OTD Legal Services stands out for its expertise in traffic ticket defense, particularly in Barrie. Our team of skilled paralegals and lawyers has a deep understanding of the local court system and traffic laws. We have a proven track record of success in helping clients reduce or dismiss their charges, preserving their driving records, and minimizing the impact on their lives.

Testimonials and Success Stories

Our clients consistently praise our thoroughness, professionalism, and ability to achieve positive outcomes. For example, one client who faced a significant speeding charge was able to have the charge reduced to a minor infraction with no demerit points, thanks to our expert defense.

Free Consultation Offer

We offer a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your case and provide you with the best possible advice on how to proceed. To get started, call us at 844-647-6869 or visit OTD Legal Services.

Frequently Asked Questions About Speeding Tickets in Barrie

Is a speeding ticket a criminal charge in Ontario?

No, speeding tickets are not criminal charges in Ontario. However, they can have serious consequences, including increased insurance rates and possible license suspension.

How long do demerit points stay on your record?

Demerit points stay on your record for two years from the date of the offense, but they will only appear once you are convicted.

What happens if you pay your speeding ticket immediately?

Paying your speeding ticket immediately is considered an admission of guilt, and you will face the full penalties associated with the charge. This includes demerit points, fines, and potential increases in insurance rates.

Can a speeding ticket affect my employment or insurance?

Yes, a speeding ticket can affect both your employment (especially if you are a commercial driver) and your insurance. Many employers require a clean driving record, and insurance companies may raise your premiums or cancel your policy altogether.

Contact Us for Speeding Ticket Defense in Barrie

If you’ve received a speeding ticket in Barrie, don’t hesitate to contact OTD Legal Services. We offer a free consultation to discuss your case and help you understand your options. Call 844-647-6869 or visit OTD Legal Services to get started.

Speeding Ticket Resources

To further educate yourself on speeding tickets in Ontario, here are some valuable resources:


“I had really wonderful experience with OTD Legal Team they are truly Trustworthy and Responsive. Will definitely recommend to everyone who is in trouble especially for speeding tickets.”


“Excellent and professional service, they helped my mom and demonstrated good advocacy, professional and helpful way. I highly recommend them.”


“Amazing company! I had a pretty serious charge and they had it withdrawn! I can’t thank you enough for your help and talking me through the process, great job.”


“Great company to deal with. Looked after my issue without me being there and saved me a huge amount of money. Highly recommend them. Thanks so much!!!”


“Helped me out HUGE! Totally saved the day when I got wrongfully charged. Highly recommend!!!”

Our Services

Speeding Tickets

Speeding tickets are common offenses. If ticketed, understand your legal rights, consequences, and options. Avoid simply paying; we can often reduce charges or find legal grounds for dismissal. Make informed decisions to safeguard rights and insurance rates.

Suspended License

Driving on a suspended license is a serious offence, potentially leading to jail time and hefty fines. If you’ve received a ticket or court summons for this in Ontario, OTD Ticket Defenders Legal Services can assist.

Careless Driving

Facing a careless driving charge in Ontario? Our team at OTD Legal, comprised of skilled lawyers and paralegals, is here to assist you. Our experienced team at OTD Legal understands the complexities of these charges and can provide the guidance and representation you need to navigate this challenging situation.

Cellphone Use & Distracted Driving

Driver distraction causes numerous preventable accidents annually, treated seriously under Canadian law. If you face a distracted driving ticket or court summons, OTD Ticket Defenders Legal Services can advocate for you.

Accident Charges

Accidents can unexpectedly disrupt life, causing immediate inconveniences and long-term consequences. If you’ve received a ticket or court summons related to a crash, OTD Ticket Defenders Legal Services is here to assist.

Fail To Remain / Report

Failing to remain at a collision scene is a grave offence with severe consequences. Conviction may lead to hefty penalties, license loss, and increased insurance costs for high-risk drivers. Safeguard your interests with our experienced team.

Emergency Vehicles

Failure to stop for emergency vehicles is a serious offense. If cited, seek help from OTD Ticket Defenders Legal Services. Get Your Free Consultation With Us Today!


If you’ve been convicted of a civil traffic offense, you can appeal the decision to mitigate consequences. OTD Ticket Defenders Legal Services aids in preparing your appeal, safeguarding your driving privileges and record.

Stunt Driving and Racing Tickets

If the police have charged you with Stunt Racing, you’re going to need to seek out critical information to make sure that you are making informed decisions to avoid legal missteps and protect your insurance rates and pocketbook.

CVOR / Commercial Tickets

For commercial motor vehicle drivers dealing with a CVOR ticket, understanding the consequences is crucial before deciding on a course of action.

Failure to Wear Seat Belt

If you’ve been ticketed for not wearing your seatbelt, avoid steep fines, points, and insurance hikes. Before admitting guilt, consult with OTD Ticket Defenders Legal Services.

Failure to Obey Stop Sign

Don’t underestimate the impact of failing to obey a stop sign. Before paying your ticket, consult with OTD Ticket Defenders Legal Services for a confidential and free consultation.

Driving While Disqualified

Driving while disqualified is a severe criminal offense with potential jail time and vehicle impoundment. If you face charges, OTD Ticket Defenders Legal Services is here to help.

HOV Lane Ticket

If you have received a ticket or summons for Improper Use of the HOV Lane, contact OTD Legal Services as soon as possible. We can help you defend yourself and look out for your best interest.

Failure To Yield Ticket

Entrust OTD Ticket Defenders Legal Services to contest your traffic tickets and pursue appeals, including “failure to yield” charges. From right-of-way issues to stop sign violations, our seasoned team is committed to protecting your rights and ensuring fair treatment under the law.

Unsafe Turn Ticket

Unsafe turn tickets, or Turn – Not in Safety tickets, are issued for a variety of reasons in Ontario. Our team is one of the most successful firms in Ontario at winning unsafe turn violation charges.

Following Too Closely

Paying a follow too closely ticket can also result in a driver’s license suspension. If you have been charged with Follow Too Closely in Ontario, contact our office for a free, confidential consultation.

Failing to Stop for a School Bus

Due to the serious nature of this charge, it is always best to talk to an experienced paralegal before deciding how to proceed. Our team can help uncover defences that may be available to you.